6.4 Documentation formatting

It is possible to use simple HTML formatting with test suite, test case and user keyword documentation and free test suite metadata in the test data, as well as when documenting test libraries. The formatting is similar to the style used in most wikis, and it is designed to be understandable both as plain text and after the HTML transformation.

6.4.1 Representing newlines

Adding newlines manually in test data

The documentation of test suites, test cases and keywords as well as the test suite metadata are subject to general parsing rules of the test data. This means that normal newlines are not preserved and dividing documentation into lines and paragraphs generally requires using a literal newline character sequence (\n). This is shown in the example below.

Adding newlines manually
Setting Value Value
Documentation First line.\n\nSecond paragraph, this time\nwith multiple lines.
Metadata Example Value\nin two lines

Automatic newlines in test data

Adding newlines manually to a long documentation takes some effort and extra characters also make the documentation in the test data slightly harder to read. Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, this is not always required as newlines are inserted automatically between continued documentation and metadata lines. In practice this means that the above example could be written also as follows.

Automatic newlines
Setting Value
Documentation First line.
... Second paragraph, this time
... with multiple lines.
Metadata Example
... Value
... in two lines

This style works especially well in the plain text format where the same example could be written like this:

* Settings *


... First line.


... Second paragraph, this time

... with multiple lines.


... Example

... Value

... in two lines

No automatic newline is added if a line already ends with a newline or if it ends with and an escaping backslash. Notice also that if documentation or metadata is defined in multiple cells in a same row, these cells are catenated together with spaces. All these cases are illustrated in the examples below where all test cases end up having the same two line documentation.

Multiline documentation examples
Test Case Action Argument Argument Argument
Example 1 [Documentation] First line\n Second line in multiple parts
No Operation
Example 2 [Documentation] First line
... Second line in multiple parts
No Operation
Example 3 [Documentation] First line\n
... Second line in\
... multiple parts
No Operation

Documentation in test libraries

With library documentations normal newlines are enough, and for example the following keyword documentation would create same end result as the test suite documentation in the previous section.

def example_keyword():

"""First line.

Second paragraph, this time

with multiple lines.



6.4.2 Paragraphs

Starting from Robot Framework 2.7.2, all regular text in the formatted HTML documentation is represented as paragraphs. In practice, lines separated by a single newline will be combined in a paragraph regardless whether the newline is added manually or automatically. Multiple paragraphs can be separated with an empty line (i.e. two newlines) and also tables, lists, and other specially formatted blocks discussed in subsequent sections end a paragraph.

For example, the following test suite or resource file documentation:

* Settings *


... First paragraph has only one line.


... Second paragraph, this time created

... with multiple lines.

will be formatted in HTML as:

First paragraph has only one line.

Second paragraph, this time created with multiple lines.


Prior to 2.7.2 handling paragraphs was inconsistent. In documentation generated with Libdoc lines were combined to paragraphs but in documentations shown in log and report they were not.

6.4.3 Inline styles

The documentation syntax supports inline styles bold, italic and code. Bold text can be created by having an asterisk before and after the selected word or words, for example this is bold. Italic style works similarly, but the special character to use is an underscore, for example, italic. It is also possible to have bold italic with the syntax bold italic.

The code style is created using double backticks like code. The result is monospaced text with light gray background. Support for code style is new in Robot Framework 2.8.6.

Asterisks, underscores or double backticks alone, or in the middle of a word, do not start formatting, but punctuation characters before or after them are allowed. When multiple lines form a paragraph, all inline styles can span over multiple lines.

Inline style examples
Unformatted Formatted
bold bold
italic italic
bold italic bold italic
code code
bold, then italic and finally some code bold, then italic and finally some code
This is bold\non multiple\nlines. This is bold**on multiple**lines.

6.4.4 URLs

All strings that look like URLs are automatically converted into clickable links. Additionally, URLs that end with extension .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif or .bmp (case-insensitive) will automatically create images. For example, URLs like http://example.com are turned into links, andhttp:///host/image.jpg and file:///path/chart.png into images.

The automatic conversion of URLs to links is applied to all the data in logs and reports, but creating images is done only for test suite, test case and keyword documentation, and for test suite metadata.

Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, it is possible to create custom links and embed images using special syntax [link|content]. This creates a link or image depending are link and content images. They are considered images if they have the same image extensions that are special with URLs. The surrounding square brackets and the pipe character between the parts are mandatory in all cases.

If neither link nor content is an image, the end result is a normal link where link is the link target and content the visible text:

[file.html|this file] -> <a href="file.html">this file</a>

[http://host|that host] -> <a href="http://host">that host</a>

If content is an image, you get a link where the link content is an image. Link target is created by link and it can be either text or image:

[robot.html|robot.png] -> <a href="robot.html"><img src="robot.png"></a>

[image.jpg|thumb.jpg] -> <a href="image.jpg"><img src="thumb.jpg"></a>

Image with title text

If link is an image but content is not, the syntax creates an image where the content is the title text shown when mouse is over the image:

[robot.jpeg|Robot rocks!] -> <img src="robot.jpeg" title="Robot rocks!">

6.4.6 Section titles

If documentation gets longer, it is often a good idea to split it into sections. Starting from Robot Framework 2.7.5, it is possible to separate sections with titles using syntax = My Title =, where the number of equal signs denotes the level of the title:

= First section =

== Subsection ==

Some text.

== Second subsection ==

More text.

= Second section =

You probably got the idea.

Notice that only three title levels are supported and that spaces between equal signs and the title text are mandatory.

6.4.7 Tables

Tables are created using pipe characters with spaces around them as column separators and newlines as row separators. Header cells can be created by surrounding the cell content with equal signs and optional spaces like = Header = or =Header=. Tables cells can also contain links and formatting such as bold and italic:

| =A= | =B= | = C = |

| 1 | Hello | world! |

| 2 | Hi |

The created table always has a thin border and normal text is left-aligned. Text in header cells is bold and centered. Empty cells are automatically added to make rows equally long. For example, the above example would be formatted like this in HTML:

1 Hello world
2 Hi


Support for table headers is a new feature in Robot Framework 2.8.2.

6.4.8 Lists

Lists are created by starting a line with a hyphen and space ('- '). List items can be split into multiple lines by indenting continuing lines with one or more spaces. A line that does not start with '- ' and is not indented ends the list:


  • a list item

  • second list item

is continued

This is outside the list.

The above documentation is formatted like this in HTML:


  • a list item
  • second list item is continued

This is outside the list.


Support for formatting lists was added in 2.7.2. Prior to that, the same syntax prevented Libdoc from combining lines to paragraphs, so the end result was similar. Support for splitting list items into multiple lines was added in 2.7.4.

6.4.9 Preformatted text

Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, it is possible to embed blocks of preformatted text in the documentation. Preformatted block is created by starting lines with '| ', one space being mandatory after the pipe character except on otherwise empty lines. The starting '| ' sequence will be removed from the resulting HTML, but all other whitespace is preserved.

In the following documentation, the two middle lines form a preformatted block when converted to HTML:

Doc before block:

| inside block

| some additional whitespace

After block.

The above documentation is formatted like this:

Doc before block:

inside block

some additional whitespace

After block.

6.4.10 Horizontal ruler

Horizontal rulers (the <hr> tag) make it possible to separate larger sections from each others, and they can be created by having three or more hyphens alone on a line:

Some text here.

More text...

The above documentation is formatted like this:

Some text here.

More text...

results matching ""

    No results matching ""